Welcome to the Sea Fibre Blog!

December 15, 2011 by Sarah

Welcome to the Sea Fibre Networks Blog! The blog will act as a valuable source for all the latest news about our company, our activities and provide an insight into our business. It will also contain views and opinions about the sub-sea cable industry in general with analysis of industry trends and news from senior staff here at Sea Fibre. With over forty years of experience in this industry between our small team we hope to enlighten you with our knowledge.

Please feel free to email us if you would like us to talk about a certain topic:

It is a very exciting time for us right now with our cable instillation complete. We are thrilled to be the first company in over a decade to reach this far so stay tuned for more updates!

You can also become a fan of our Facebook page –  we have posted lots of of the cable laying process and our launch. Follow us on too where we post the most up-to-date news of the industry! Check out the The CeltixConnect Launch too.

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